When Brad would ask me what I wanted for pretty much any holiday; I would reply with, “a card” But not just any old card. Well, I guess any old card would do, but my request was for him to fill it with his own words. Most holidays he honored this request. He would always have another treasure to go with it, and I’m sure those were all lovely gifts, but I can’t remember many of those now. However, the cards from my sweet husband are one of
For the past few
But here’s the thing. In that same setting, I listened to these amazing women talk for hours about their husbands. We spoke of how so often we are certain they are here with us. With our children. With us in a way that we never would have imagined possible before we saw through the eyes of a widow. We spoke of messages they seem to send us. Important truths that we feel they want us to know… They help to teach us and they help us to remember.
With this conversation rolling around in my head and Valentines Day approaching, I started
I create cards. I cover them with my paintings and hope they bring happiness when they go out into the world. The simple joy of receiving or giving a card is something I love. I wanted to take bits of those special moments I’ve had with Brad since he

I called up my friends and asked if they would be willing to help me create something tangible from some of those sacred moments. They came up with so many beautiful words to share with you.
I’m sure it’s no surprise that Valentines Day is not really a party when you are missing your other half. It can feel heavy and isolating.
These “Valentines” are simple, but I believe their words are powerful. Someday they will be made into beautiful cards, until then, they are my gift to you. If you know someone who might appreciate a love letter from heaven I hope you will share these with them today.

Putting these out into the world feels a little scary. But it’s ok. I think they need to be out in the world. It might seem a little strange to some, but my widow sisters will get it. These are for you. I hope they bring you joy. I hope you read them and they ring true because they sound like what your loved one is whispering to you.

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I know these sentiments are not exclusive to widows. Please share these with anyone you feel would enjoy them.
Perfect. Just perfect.
Thank you! These are beautiful, and do are you my friend. 💖💖💖 Today I wore my wedding ring on my pinkie (no longer fits on my ring finger! Lol), my ruby heart earrings, and heart-shaped diamond necklace my husband gave to me in past Valentine’s Days. I also wearing my “broken heart” ruby ring and black diamond heart-shaped ring on that I gifted to myself on his behalf for Valentine’s Days since he’s been gone. My cards and letters are locked away too…much love to you today and every day! 😘
Thank you for sharing. My son’s father in law to be passed away and his funeral was last Friday. Lance Velasquez was only 53 and had fought pancreatic cancer for 9 years which is miraculous. He left behind a wife and 2 daughters (21 & 18). Latascha’s depth of grief as she has graduated to the widow’s club can only be truly understood by those that have been there. We all around her struggle to know how to help her as she struggles with even sleeping or eating. (I am a hospice nurse and even with what i know and practice everyday…… there are some deaths that are just harder especially when they come at young ages.
I LOVE that you get yourself something from him for Valentines Day. I do the same thing 🙂 Love you my friend
Wow. 9 years. that is miraculous. Those deaths are so hard. I’m so sorry. It’s not a fun club to be in… but its got pretty amazing members. It helped me so much to talk with other widows.