Jennifer Funk Fine Art

Nest – Mini Card Set


Mini flat card set of 7

Availability: 19 in stock

SKU: minicardsetlight-1 Category: Tags: , , , , , ,

Mini Card Set
Includes 7 different cards. All different designs.


These mini flat cards measure 4×3 inches. {they are FLAT, not folded cards.} There is a small logo on the back, otherwise they are blank. There are 7 different designs in a set. (all the designs are different across the sets. So if you bought all 4 sets you would have 28 different cards)

These little beauties are perfect for attaching to a gift, a quick note to a friend or taping a happy thought to your mirror.

I wanted to be able to offer happy art at a price that everyone could afford.  At less than one dollar a piece, you can send oodles of happy art out into the world!